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Nápreva is a proprietary terpene formula for chronic pain
People who use Nápreva say it helps with chronic pain, insomnia and stress. Nápreva is made from natural plant terpenes and flavorings. NáprevaPLUS is the same formula with CBD isolate.

Science based
Safe for daily use
Beta caryophyllene, a key ingredient of Nápreva, had GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) from the FDA. Like many other terpenes, it's used in popular food and beverage products, giving them their familiar scents and flavors. Our beta caryophyllene is made from cloves.

Lynda K
La Mesa, CA / February 10, 2023
... while awaiting a hip replacement, Nápreva truly took the edge off my relentless pain. Then it helped me with post-op discomfort without the need to use opioids. Nápreva is a tremendous blessing that I'm so very thankful for!
Quality you can trust
We and our partners maintain the highest standards possible. We test every batch - from raw materials to finished product - for quality and purity. See tests results here: View Test Results

Ready for a lifestyle change?
Say "No!" to prescription drugs and their harmful side effects.