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Nápreva is a proprietary terpene formula designed for natural healing
People say it helps with chronic pain, insomnia and stress. Nápreva is made of pure plant essences. Nápreva PLUS adds pure hemp isolate.

Science based
Safe for daily use
A key ingredient of Nápreva is the first plant terpene to be granted GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status by the FDA - in serving sizes 10 times Nápreva's suggested use! It's no wonder, since it's found in black pepper, cloves, oregano and many herbs and spices we eat daily.

Lynda K
La Mesa, CA / February 10, 2023
... while awaiting a hip replacement, Nápreva truly took the edge off my relentless pain. Then it helped me with post-op discomfort without the need to use opioids. Nápreva is a tremendous blessing that I'm so very thankful for!
Get your questions answered
Find answers to common questions about our plant terpene formula and its potential benefits.
Quality you can trust
Black Rock Nutraceuticals and our partners maintain the highest standards. Third-party lab tests by Nova Analytic Labs are provided below.

Ready for a lifestyle change?
Say "No!" to prescription drugs and their harmful side effects.