The best solutions are balanced
Nápreva was founded a decade ago to study the potential of terpenes and other organic compounds from plants for treating illness in people and animals.

While many modern pharmaceuticals are truly miraculous, many can have harmful side effects when used for long periods of time. Lifelong conditions like chronic pain are often treated with potent opioids and steroids which have harmful side effects from long-term use. Even popular over-the-counter remedies like NSAIDs and aspirin can cause gastro-intestinal and kidney disease, bleeding and may even increase the risk of heart attack and stroke with prolonged use.
Our mission is to learn how natural, plant-based medicines may be substituted for more invasive chemicals, or may be used to compliment modern pharmaceuticals, reducing harmful side effects.
The natural choice
Many people think that natural products are dangerous because they lack FDA approval. In fact, there are no vitamins or dietary supplements that are FDA approved for safety, efficacy, recommended dosage or suggested use. That doesn’t mean that dozens of products don’t have health benefits proven by centuries of practical experience. It means it’s up to makers to be transparent and do the work.
Uncompromised quality
We meet the highest standards for human and pet health products. Nápreva is 100% plant powered! All ingredients are organically grown. No chemicals or solvents are used. All raw materials and products undergo rigorous tests to ensure they are free of chemicals, bacteria, microbes or foreign matter.
Relentless safety
All our ingredients are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and are found in products we feed our families every day. The GRAS designation for ingredients used in Nápreva was obtained through rigorous testing by leaders in the Flavor Extract Manufacturers’ Association (FEMA). FEMA includes the best-known makers of food products found in millions of pantries around the world. For more on FEMA:
Authentic science
Natural medicine isn’t a war against modern medicine. We believe in a balance of traditional and modern choices some might call holistic. Our products are based on scientific studies of active ingredients that show great potential for treating chronic pain and other conditions. We’re committed to the enormous investment in obtaining regulatory approvals. But until then, you can safely use Nápreva as directed without fear of GI disorders, kidney and liver disease, or uncontrolled bleeding commonly associated with alternatives.