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Based on 24 reviews
Lance H
I can use my hands without pain and swelling.

I have chronic pain and inflammation in both hands. My condition came about from fighting off a dog attack a year ago. I thought the condition would ease up as my wounds healed. Unfortunately, both symptoms grew in severity for the simplest household activities: turning doorknobs, pulling wine corks, picking up frying pans – and I began to drop things.

I have been taking Napreva one or twice daily now for the last 8 months. The sharpest pains diminish within 15-20 minutes so that I can ignore them and get on with things. The inflammation fades over time. I have not noticed any negative side effects. On a positive note, I sleep better most evenings.

Beyond Grateful

I am forever grateful to have discovered Napreva. Both Napreva and Napreva Plus have given me incredible relief from debilitating arthritic hip and knee pain.
For several months while awaiting a hip replacement Napreva truly took the edge off my relentless pain, then it helped me with post-op discomfort without the need to use opioids. I'm currently using Napreva to ease knee pain and am delighted that Napreva helps me to relax and get a peaceful night's sleep. Napreva is a tremendous blessing that I'm so very thankful for!

Life is better!

I found that 3 sprays worked well. It takes the edge off anxiety . That is what I was looking for. I got used to the taste after a bit. Thanks

Cat Talbot
Returning customer!

I've been using Napreva for over a year and keep coming back for more. It really has been a huge relief for my chronic low back pain. I find two sprays is enough to keep the edge off the pain so I can get on with my day. I have given bottles to friends and family to help them with their issues. I can't thank you enough for such a great product!

William Martin
Napreva Is The Answer For Me!

For the last few years I really struggle to fall asleep. Usually I get so frustrated by the process that I get anxious and stressed which makes it even harder to fall asleep. I have tried melatonin and Valerian Route and a lot of other natural supplements and nothing worked. Napreva is amazing. It relaxes me totally within minutes and then I fall asleep on my own and stay asleep for the entire night. And the next day I feel no hangover but I do feel a general calm that lasts throughout the day. This is an amazing product and it’s going to be a part of my wellness regime from now on.

I love this product!!

Nepreva does what it says. I use for all kinds of pains and anxiety. I’m using it and nothing else!!

Nápreva K9
This changed our lives with our 3 dogs!

Thank you so much for this amazing product! We have 3 dogs all at different stages of life. 1 13 year old rescue with bad hips who was falling and having bladder problems. The other was abandoned in a crate for 6+ months until we rescued her she has extreme anxiety. As well as a silly puppy that would not potty train!..

The first night We gave them the Napreva they were completely different dogs, happy, calm and comfortable! Our oldest pup, he could finally walk and was having fun for the first time in six months. The second pup who has extreme anxiety has been so calm and so sweet and this has completely changed her personality. And the puppy is now potty trained and it’s been a little over a month since we’ve had them on this and they are doing amazing I recommend this to anyone who has any pup! This is a miracle! Thank you Napreva!

It really works!

My 12 plus year old dog was having a lot of trouble with arthritis pain. He has major orthopedic issues in both rear legs with major arthritis pain. He is on Galaprant as well as other pain medication. In June of this year he started having trouble going up stairs. I was very concerned about him.

I tried the Black Rock CBDoil on him and with in 3-4 days I noticed a difference in how he was moving around.
I tried another brand, but went back to Black Rock. I like its dosage information. A bottle lasts a month and I usually get it within a few days of my order. The other place took over a week to arrive. It took several days to 'process' the order before it was even shipped. The price was equivalent as I would have to get 2 bottles of it in order to last a month.

So, I like Black Rock CBD oil because it is really helping my dog.

Nápreva K9
Laurie N.
Miracle worker for my dog!! She has her life back!!!

My older Dachshund (15+) couldn't use one of her back legs to walk. The vet told me that she never would be able to use it. One of my friends recommended the K-9 formula from Black Rock Nutraceuticals and it's simply been miraculous. She runs around using ALL 4 legs and eats again. I recommend this product for anyone who has an older dog. She has her life back!!!

Nápreva K9
Helps my Labrador!

Wonderful product that is helping my dog deal with arthritis. Off all other meds.

Nápreva K9
Excellent product!

I have been using this product for a while now for my 2 senior dogs. Both on Rimadyl along with other drugs for years. Both dogs, multiple orthopedic surgeries leading to major arthritis. Bloodwork was progressively getting worse so tried this product as we were out of options. It was good, but I wasn't convinced it was "the miracle", kept using it as something was better than nothing. Then.... My 15 year old beagle got REALLY sick so in anticipation of having to rush her to the vet for surgery, I took her off everything but water and pedialite for 24 hours. She came through fine, but couldn't walk. Absolutely no weight on one leg. We were carrying her everywhere. Put her back on Napreva, one dose, and she was back to normal. So evidently it REALLY works!

Nápreva K9
It works and he likes it.

Thank goodness, pain relief for my dog that doesn’t make him sick.

Nápreva K9
Made a huge improvement!

This product has made a HUGE improvement in the quality of my dog's life. I have a 61lbs. 10 1/2 yr old mix breed (German shepherd, chow, malamute) who still walks a fast 4 to 7 miles everyday. He was starting to show signs of arthritis such as pain and stiffness upon rising after laying down, not playing as hard, and slowing down on his walks. My vet recommended this product and told me to start at .5ml twice a day. I thought I saw some improvement within the first few days and told my vet. She had me increase it to .75ml twice a day and I saw a huge improvement! I now give him .75ml to 1ml twice daily depending on his activity level for the day. The stiffness he had upon rising is almost nonexistent now and he has no trouble taking his beloved long walks. I do know that the improvement is from the Napreva because if I miss a dose I see that he is not as comfortable. Also, I follow the instructions closely. I squirt a little in each side of his mouth at the back between the cheek and gums and wait 10 minutes before giving him food.

I think all dogs with aches and pains would benefit from this. They can't tell us how they feel so it's up to us to interpret the signs to hopefully improve the quality of their lives.

Nápreva K9
Happy lab owner - it works and worth the money!

This has helped my 10yr black lab. He has chronic neck issues and developed some anxiety the older her gets. NaprevaK9 has helped him so much. He was living on 3 different medications (tramidol, methocarbamol, and anti-inflammatory) just to be comfortable. 

I did some research online to find a better solution for his pain management and I am so happy I found NaprevaK9. He is now off everything except for NaprevaK9. 

Give it a try! 

Excellent product, really works!

This is my third order of Napreva, and I am extremely happy with the way it works. I have three damaged discs in my lower back giving me chronic pain. I refuse to take opiates, and taking handfuls of ibuprofen not good for other reasons, I was looking for an alternative. I'd been using a topical CBD, but it didn't cut it on those bad days. Skeptical at first after being recommend by a friends father, I ordered some. Now it's two sprays of Napreva and I am good to go. I have relief within a half hour and feel great all day. I recommend it to all my friends!

Nápreva K9
Amazon Reviewer
Absolutely Amazing!!!

Our senior cattle dog survived cancer this year only to be laid low by debilitating arthritis. She had surgery on her doggie knee (ACL?) years ago and she had done very well until a few months ago. At first, she was just stiff and slow to rise. Unfortunately, she quickly got to the point where she needed to be assisted with a sling to get up and down the stairs and couldn't even go for a walk around the block without hopping on 3 legs. One of my husband's co-workers who trains cattle dogs for agility competitions recommended this product. I'm so glad she did!!!

We saw a huge difference with the first dose. Within hours Emily stopped limping. The next day she was going up and down the stairs by herself. Emily's been taking this for almost 2 weeks and she now walks several blocks everyday, runs up and down the stairs without problems and chases and wrestles with our Chow/Golden Retriever mix every chance she gets. It's also helped with her severe noise phobias, a very welcome side benefit. I've already purchased a second bottle. I hope this stuff never goes out of stock.

Linda D.
No side effects at all. None!

I have degenerative discs that pinch my nerves going into my left leg. If my back is out of adjustment the pain is constant and very uncomfortable. When I use Napreva the first dose eases the pain and I can function quite normally but the second dose allows me to sleep or just relax to watch TV or read.

I am very sensitive to and get odd reactions from drugs, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.etc. so I was a bit iffy about trying something new. I am pleased to say that Napreva only helped my pain. No side effects at all. None!

We have annual passes to the Disney parks and I can enjoy the entire day with Napreva in my bag.

I am reordering (2) today because I don't ever want to be without it.

Nápreva K9
Linda D.
The old guy feels like playing now! 

I bought this for a friend. Her senior dog was totally inactive. Yesterday she said he was loping across the back field with her granddaughters. Obviously Napreva has helped his arthritis and allowed him to enjoy the granddaughters again. She will be buying more. 

Linda in Orlando
I never travel without!

I love it for the long days at the Disney parks and my walks with friends. On bad days it lets me sleep through the night. We are heading out on vacation so I bought an extra one 'just in case'. I never want to be without it.

AWESOME! Work's great!

Work's great, only downside is taste, the benefits definitely make it okay, you get used to it, and if you like peppermint, it's good too.

If you are in constant pain, this is definitely something to look into.

Only a week!

I have only been using it a week but, I think it is helping.

Nápreva K9
Candace J.
Please read because this product has changed my senior dog's life.

This is going to be a bit long winded, but please read because this product has changed my senior dog's life.

I have an 11 year old rescue lab with arthritis in her hips. Madison's on glucosamine supplements and multivitamins, but it wasn't giving her any pain relief and the vet was only willing to prescribe her rimadyl for her pain. She was starting to really struggle with getting up, jumping on the bed, and overall she had a low energy level. A friend told me about Napreva K9, so I decided to check it out.

At first I was adding it to her dog food since she didn't like taking it orally. I saw some improvements within a couple of days, so we continued to use it until we used up the bottle.

I kept forgetting to reorder and a couple of weeks went by and she started to really go down hill. Side note: Along with having arthritis, Madison also has chronic pancreatitis. During the month I was adding Napreva K9 to her food she didn't have any major flare ups with her pancreatitis. About a week after we ran out she started having mild issues again.

Once she started going downhill I reordered and had it overnight-ed. This time I followed the directions exactly and consistently gave it to her orally. The next afternoon it was like she was a different dog. Her energy level was back up and she was wanting to play, fetch, and cause a ruckus. For the past month I have given Madison her Napreva twice a day, everyday and she hasn't had a single bad day with her arthritis or pancreatitis.

For me, this product is worth it. It was worth the $50 to see if it worked and it was better than I imagined. Consistency is key though!

PROS: Great results, easy to use, good instructions, good packaging

CONS: Oral medication via syringe (my dog personally doesn't like her muzzle being touched), strong smell (reminds me of licorice, so I always make sure to wash my hands if I get some of it on me)

Dr. Gary Rybka, DVM
Almost instant relief...

Hello, I am a veterinarian and I suffer from "DISH Syndrome" and also have had a lumbar lamenectomy, three rotator cuff repairs and awaiting a hip replacement. I can tell substantial improvement within minutes after taking Napreva. I have been using the product twice daily every day since I received it and plan to incorporate it in our veterinary pharmacy as well. I cannot promise the same results for you but I am sure that if you deal with daily pain you need to try Napreva.

M. Greer DVM
Works exceptionally well and extremely fast!

I have used Napreva for back pain, abdominal pain, and headache and have been quite pleased with the results. It begins to relieve pain almost instantaneously. The effects are long lasting. Works better and faster than any OTC or prescription pain medication I've ever taken.

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