Beyond opioids: Plant-powered Wellness

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that 100 million American adults suffer from chronic pain. In three years following diagnosis of the first U.S. COVID 19 case in 2020, there were a cumulative 103 million confirmed cases. By that measure, chronic pain is an epidemic, with the number of deaths due to drug overdose, pain-induced heart failure, seizure and suicide measuring in the tens of thousands annually.
Economic and social consequences
Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than 90 days. Yet for many with arthritis, degenerative osteoporosis or damage from prior injuries, pain is a daily grind that lasts for a lifetime.
The NIH tallies the economic cost of lost productivity, unemployment, disability and healthcare directly stemming from chronic pain at a whopping $560 to $635 billion a year.
A U.K study of chronic pain among the homeless “found that almost two thirds of homeless people that we interviewed experienced chronic pain.” While there are no hard data drawing a straight line from chronic pain to unemployment, homelessness and drug dependency, the potential existence of such a cycle signals chilling consequences for society.
Natural options vs. Big pharma
Opioids, steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often dispensed for chronic pain, but each has side effects that can be as damaging as pain itself. In fact, NIH and CDC studies show that pain relief is a leading cause of opioid addiction.
The lack of hard scientific evidence is often cited as a reason for rejecting alternatives despite damning evidence of the risk and cost of today’s most common choices. Yet in today’s regulatory framework, the cost of gathering clinical evidence can only be justified by the potential for patent protection that guarantees profits for decades.
Makers of naturopathic products are handicapped in the patent process by the existence of "prior art" in the form of well-documented evidence on natural remedies dating back as much as thousands of yearss. As a result, products like Nápreva are reliant on customer testimonials and field research to promote their healing potential.
A world of choices
If opioids and over-the-counter chemicals aren't the best fit for you, you have choices. Of course we want you to try Nápreva, but we also encourage you to look at other naturopathic products and consider a holistic approach to wellness that includes healthy diet, exercise and pain management professionals who work with you to develop sustainable long-term solutions.